An Acadian municipality with a bilingual population
Most residents of the municipality, 92% of whom are of Acadian descent, are fluently bilingual. The rate of bilingualism is very high. In 2006, for instance, over 79% of the population had a knowledge of both English and French, a very attractive figure for businesses wanting to set up shop somewhere where the labour force is fluent in both official languages. Data from Statistics Canada shows that the bilingualism rate is still growing.
According to the available data, the population of the municipality of Neguac was 1,678 in 2011.
Professional Activities
Residents of the municipality of Neguac practice various trades and professions, mostly in the traditional niches. That means that a very diverse range of trades and professions exist in the region, including physicians, carpenters, lawyers, fishers, teachers, farmers, etc.
Industries in Neguac blend in among homes and businesses in the municipality. Most are related to fishing and forestry. The following plants are in operation:
- Fish processing plant
- Oyster marketing plant
- Food processing plant
- Christmas wreath plant
Land Transportation
Roads : The territory making up the municipality of Neguac is crossed by 9,717 kilometres of provincial roads, 8,199 kilometres of regional roads and 33,091 kilometres of local roads. The main artery, Route 11, also known as Main Street, runs through the municipality following the coastline.
Pedestrian traffic : There are sidewalks on the south side of the downtown section of Main Street. On the other roads in the municipality, pedestrians walk on the shoulder, whether going to work, going to school or walking for exercise. A network of groomed and marked walking trails exists on Île-aux-foins, and the municipality is home to a section of the NB Trail.
Rail traffic : There are no rail lines in the territory making up the municipality of Neguac. The closest railway serves the Halifax-Montréal corridor and passes through Miramichi City, twenty-five minutes from Neguac.
Water Transportation
Most water traffic is by sea (Neguac Bay) because the streams and rivers in the area making up the municipality aren’t navigable. To meet the needs of users of the waterways, mainly fishers and pleasure boaters, there is one wharf at the end rue de l’Église. The wharf is managed by local port authority and provides services to over 40 commercial fishers. Facilities also exist for pleasure boaters. Various services such as water, electricity, boat ramps and parking are provided at the rue de l’Église wharf.
Air Transportation
The Miramichi and Pokemouche airports are a little over 50 kilometres away and provide air transportation services. The Bathurst and Greater Moncton airports provide regular connections to large urban centres in the country.