Did you know that according to by-law 95-05 (11), it is prohibited to throw, place, put or maintain snow or any other obstacle with a shovel or otherwise such as pushing snow or ice on any street or sidewalk. What are the risks that citizens who do not comply with this by-law can cause? The snow pushed to the edge of the streets hardens and the snow removal truck can no longer push it into the ditch. This is a dangerous situation for snow removal truck operators. Therefore, the path narrows from one storm to the next. Since the path narrows, it also creates a dangerous situation for car and pedestrian traffic. Also, the snow pushed into the ditches hardens and forms an icy wall. This icy wall in the spring creates an obstruction during the snow melting. Since the water does not pass, this causes flooding on the streets and in the fields. The administration is asking for the cooperation of citizens in order to enforce this municipal decree.